Kale chips.

I’ve seen kale chips at the front checkout of Whole Foods several times and really wanted to try them. They cost like $5 for a small bag and to me that’s way excessive. This is one of those things where I look at it like, I could make those for next to nothing and easily, no way am I buying those. Yet at the same time I want to buy a bag for comparison alone. In the end J was no fan, Z was ok with them giving them a weak thumbs up and I just think I left them in the oven a bit too long. I stepped away for a second and that’s all it took. So keep an eye on them once the 15 minute mark hits.

I love the rich purples in vegetables. This kale is beautiful.

Kale Chips

Recipe from the webs.

1 bunch kale
1 to 2 T. EVOO
sea salt to taste

Preheat oven to 275°. Wash kale and dry well. Break into bite/chip sized pieces leaving out the middle stems. Toss with olive oil (I had to do mine in two batches). Lay out in one layer on a parchment lined cookie sheet and lightly salt. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. Don’t let them burn or they will crumble into almost a dust. I read that online and mine almost got to that point. Some people actually liked them that way and I even saw someone crumble them onto popcorn. Enjoy!

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