Steel cut oats.

This website is a journal of our families cooking experiences and more importantly a quick reference to recipes we want to cook again and again. I haven’t made steel cut oats for awhile now so when I went back to the intertubes to find my old go to recipe it was, well…. gone. I found basically the same thing by Alton Brown but I had to dig through several sites wasting valuable time as I was trying to get something in J’s stomach before she went to yoga. Somebody’s gotta workout in this house. So I figured it’s time to get this recipe in a safe spot.

Steel Cut Oats

Recently found recipe by Alton Brown.

1 T. butter
1 c. steel cut oats
3 c. spring water
4 T. unrefined sweetener (brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, or a mix like 2 T. brown sugar and 2 T. maple syrup) or to taste
1/2 c. whole milk

Melt butter in large heavy bottom saute pan. Toast the oats for a couple minutes constantly stirring. Add in water and bring to a low simmer for 20 to 30 minute or until the water is all absorbed. Add in the sweetener(s) and mix well. Stir in milk and cook an additional 10 minutes. Serve topped with cinnamon/extra milk/butter or whatever you wish.

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