Tag Archives: breakfast

Lemon pancakes!

These babies were AWESOME. I’m not sure if I want any other style of pancake as long as I live. So fresh and so clean, lol. Amazing lemon pancakes, everyone loved them! I seriously can’t wait until the weekend to make them again. Do yourself a favor and make these soon. Cool song by a […]

Posted in American, breakfast, vegetarian | Also tagged , , , | Comments closed

Olive oil granola.

We tried a new granola the other day. The girls let me eat it all meaning they weren’t all that impressed. I on the other hand loved it. I brought some to work for the coworkers to try and they all loved it too. I’ve actually had multiple requests to bring in more. I will […]

Posted in American, breakfast, dessert, vegetarian, Whole foods | Also tagged , , , , | Comments closed

Baby biscuits & gravy.

I was watching Chopped the other day and a girl (who had a horrible attitude and I hope lost) made a gravy that she said her mom or grandma used to make, I can’t remember which but it’s really not important. Anyway, she said it was equal parts butter and flour and enough milk to […]

Posted in American, bread, breakfast, dessert, Food, vegetarian, Whole foods, Winter | Also tagged , , , | Comments closed