I’ve been wanting to make bread for awhile now but have been putting it off knowing how long it takes. And the process: rise, knead, rise, bake, flour everywhere, yeah right. But I finally took it on. I wanted to go with a whole wheat, sandwich/loaf style of bread like what you would buy in […]
Tag Archives: whole wheat
Honey whole wheat bread.
Posted in American, Food, low calorie, vegetarian, Whole foods Also tagged bread, dough, honey Comments closed
Waffle and egg II.
Waffle and egg II. Homemade whole wheat waffles and eggs using with the Waring Pro waffle iron I got for Christmas from J. Breaking open the perfectly cooked egg and sopping up the yolk and egg with bites of waffle and syrup little Z was taking huge bites and saying mmmm mmmm good every time. […]
Posted in American, Food, Whole foods Also tagged breakfast, egg, waffle, Whole foods Comments closed
Pita bread pizza.
Easy peasy! Want a quick dinner, lunch, breakfast or snack. Grab a piece of (whole wheat) pita bread and top it how you wish. I didn’t feel like making a tomato sauce or opening a whole can of spaghetti sauce for a couple tablespoons so a little K&M barbecue sauce from Spring Hill, Kansas would […]