A dried aged ricotta, new to me. Intriguing to say the least so we’re giving it a whirl. I was told it’s good for baking so that’s the plan. Upon unwrapping I gave it a tasty tasty. Dry yet moist, crumbly like feta with a nice mild saltiness. Made from sheep’s milk I couldn’t wait […]
Tag Archives: ricotta
Whole wheat manicotti.
When I went to Cugino’s to get the cheese for my pizza the other day I also picked up some ricotta. This is not the stuff you get in the store, oh no, its definitely something else. Its creamy not runny and watery and it’s flat out amazing. Again, you wont find this in the […]
Posted in Food, Italian, vegetarian, Whole foods Also tagged cheese, dinner, Italian, lunch, Manicotti, mozzarella, parmesan, pasta, sauce, tomato, vegetarian, whole wheat Comments closed