I love basic recipes/formulas that have a million possibilities and this no crust quiche is one of them. The no crust part makes it a low calorie yet high protein breakfast (whole pie: 830 cal. 55 g. protein). Since there are three of us I divided it into six portions so we could have it […]
Tag Archives: low calorie
No crust quiche.
Posted in American, Asian, breakfast, Chinese, European, French, greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Lao, low calorie, Mediterranean, mexican, Thai, vegetarian, Whole foods Also tagged breakfast, egg, quiche Comments closed
Lentil soup.
Posted in Food, French, soup, vegetarian, Whole foods Also tagged lentil, soup, vegetarian Comments closed
The fresh organic green beans have been looking so good at the store lately I can’t resist picking up a carton. When I get home I figure out what I will do with them. Last time it was Chinese buffet style but this time it’s succotash. Love the word, never really knew what it was. […]
Posted in American, low calorie, vegetarian, Whole foods Also tagged succotash, vegetarian, whole food Comments closed