Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sweetie Pie.

Last night (11-04-11) our dog Sweetie Pie passed away (SP). She was one of two strays that came to our door about three years ago. They were all the blessing to us. SP soon had a litter of puppies and we kept one of her daughters. So just like J, Z and I, there was […]

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Cheese #10 (Apple Smoked Gruyere).

I was talking with my older brother the other day and he was informing me that he liked the pictures I’ve been taking of different cheeses lately. I asked him if he read something in one of the posts (I forgot what it was) and he replied with “I only looks at the pictures”. Which […]

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Cheese #9 (Somerdale Red Dragon w/Mustard).

I’ve been loving these Somerdale cheeses that are mixed with fruits and/or herbs and spices etc. They usually end up on the sweeter side but this one was definitely savory. It has a mild "hot and spicy" mustard flavor and the seeds give it a nice texture without being overbearing. J was down with it […]

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