I love basic recipes/formulas that have a million possibilities and this no crust quiche is one of them. The no crust part makes it a low calorie yet high protein breakfast (whole pie: 830 cal. 55 g. protein). Since there are three of us I divided it into six portions so we could have it […]
Category Archives: Indian
No crust quiche.
Also posted in American, Asian, breakfast, Chinese, European, French, greek, Italian, Japanese, Lao, low calorie, Mediterranean, mexican, Thai, vegetarian, Whole foods Tagged breakfast, egg, low calorie, quiche Comments closed
Herb pesto, naan bread.
I picked up some organic mozzarella from whole foods the other day so I could try my hand at making flat bread pizza. Then I came across this pesto recipe used on a pizza in an old issue of Sunset Magazine ($.29 at savers). I remember the first time that I made pesto I used […]
Korma is J’s favorite trough of mush at the Indian restaurant up the street and I say that with the utmost love for the place. The service is spectacular and the food is divine. We haven’t come across any good sushi or Italian like we had in our old neighborhood and this has filled that […]
Also posted in Food, vegetarian, Whole foods Comments closed