Category Archives: dessert

Banana Bread, Oh so Good.

Made this great tasting banana bread the other day and just had to log it here for easy access. There are always a couple bananas in the bunch that try to make it into the trash. Not on my watch! Ate a little for a late night snack then wrapped it up for breakfast with […]

Also posted in American, bread, breakfast, Food, gifts, Uncategorized, vegetarian, Whole foods | Comments closed

Peanut butter cookies.

Ahhhh the classic peanut butter cookie, second only to the chocolate chip. As the recipe says these are rich and crumbly. I made these for J to take to her ladies Bible study group and I hear they were a hit. So good with an ice cold glass of milk, obviously.

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Olive oil granola.

We tried a new granola the other day. The girls let me eat it all meaning they weren’t all that impressed. I on the other hand loved it. I brought some to work for the coworkers to try and they all loved it too. I’ve actually had multiple requests to bring in more. I will […]

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