For some reason I’m not much of a chicken person. To many weird parts I think. Though every once in a while I try it out again. I didn’t follow this recipe perfectly sauce wise but it came out fantastic nonetheless. You can find the original amaretto chicken recipe here. Growing sprouts is so simple […]
Category Archives: salad
Chicken roll with homegrown sprouts.
Also posted in gardening, Nature, neighborhood, raw, Whole foods Tagged chicken, gardening, growing, sprouts Comments closed
Tarragon cream salad dressing.
This dressing has an Asian flavor and comes across less heavy as our normal American creamy salad dressings. I love it and have made it several several times. The girls both like it too. Do try! Our dog Dotty went through a period of a couple days where every time she went outside she came […]
Asian style broccoli.
I made this real quick last weekend for Z and me and it came out terrific. Again, very simple and just as tasty. This method cooks the broccoli perfectly and the simple sauce (ohh the garlic) gives it a wonderful rich flavor. It’s touted in the recipes “story/background” as a way to get kids to […]
Also posted in Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Lao, sauce, Vietnamese Tagged Asian, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprout, vegetables Comments closed