I made this real quick last weekend for Z and me and it came out terrific. Again, very simple and just as tasty. This method cooks the broccoli perfectly and the simple sauce (ohh the garlic) gives it a wonderful rich flavor. It’s touted in the recipes “story/background” as a way to get kids to […]
Category Archives: Japanese
Asian style broccoli.
Also posted in Asian, Chinese, Lao, salad, sauce, Vietnamese Tagged Asian, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprout, vegetables Comments closed
Mrs Tsk*
Momus has a tumblr an it goes by the name of Mrs Tsk*! I fell in love with his music around 2001 and quickly became a fan of his blog. More like a photo heavy memoir by this awesomely strange, eye patch sporting, world wandering artist/writer/musician. It was back when blogs were actually “web logs”, […]
No crust quiche.
I love basic recipes/formulas that have a million possibilities and this no crust quiche is one of them. The no crust part makes it a low calorie yet high protein breakfast (whole pie: 830 cal. 55 g. protein). Since there are three of us I divided it into six portions so we could have it […]
Also posted in American, Asian, breakfast, Chinese, European, French, greek, Indian, Italian, Lao, low calorie, Mediterranean, mexican, Thai, vegetarian, Whole foods Tagged breakfast, egg, low calorie, quiche Comments closed