Made this great tasting banana bread the other day and just had to log it here for easy access. There are always a couple bananas in the bunch that try to make it into the trash. Not on my watch! Ate a little for a late night snack then wrapped it up for breakfast with […]
Category Archives: dessert
Banana Bread, Oh so Good.
Also posted in American, bread, breakfast, Food, gifts, Uncategorized, vegetarian, Whole foods Comments closed
Peanut butter cookies.
Ahhhh the classic peanut butter cookie, second only to the chocolate chip. As the recipe says these are rich and crumbly. I made these for J to take to her ladies Bible study group and I hear they were a hit. So good with an ice cold glass of milk, obviously.
Olive oil granola.
We tried a new granola the other day. The girls let me eat it all meaning they weren’t all that impressed. I on the other hand loved it. I brought some to work for the coworkers to try and they all loved it too. I’ve actually had multiple requests to bring in more. I will […]
Also posted in American, breakfast, vegetarian, Whole foods Tagged breakfast, granola, nuts, oats, seeds, snack Comments closed