Strawberry vinaigrette.

So there’s the normal large carton of organic strawberries at Trader Joes which averages about five to six dollars, but the other day on the table right as you walk in there was an extra super jumbo mega carton for the same price. It was like two/three times the size so I snatched one up without hesitation. One of the first things I made was this fresh strawberry vinaigrette. I found the recipe in one of my cookbooks, it was for blueberry vinaigrette so just swapped the fruits and it turned out great. I’m sure there’s a basic formula here like your choice of oil, vinegar, sweetener and fruit using the basic amounts below. For our salad we used baby spinach, raw walnuts and thin slices of freshly cut Parmesan cheese.

This pic shows the dressing about 5 minutes out of the fridge so it’s thicker than usual.

In one of the cookbooks I’m reading now (The Frankies Spuntino, The Kitchen Companion & Cooking Manual a wonderful book by the way) it talks a little bit about making a great salad. One of the techniques is to pour the dressing in the bottom of a wide bottom bowl then putting the salad mixings on top and tossing it together to let it “pick up” the dressing as opposed to “pouring it over” the salad. This coats the greens more evenly.

Strawberry Vinaigrette

Adapted from the book 500 best sauces, salad dressings, marinades and more by George Geary. There are only three in our family so I halved the recipe and there was enough for two nights. It will keep for two days in fridge.

1/3 c. white wine vinegar
2 T. sweetener like sucanat sugar or honey (I used a combo of both)
2 T. Dijon mustard
2/3 c. oil (I used peanut)
1/2 c. fresh strawberries, crushed with a fork

Whisk together the vinegar, sweetener and mustard. While whisking slowly drizzle in the oil in a steady stream making and emulsion. Then add in the crushed fresh strawberries. Use on a nice spinach salad, add a few fresh strawberries cut in half to top it off.

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